
Fluid Mechanics (MEU2640, Fall)

This class introduces students to the fundamental concepts and methods of fluid mechanics. Key topics include pressure, hydrostatics, buoyancy, control volume analysis, mass and momentum conservation, and viscous flows. Through these concepts, students will develop the skills to model, analyze, and design fluid systems, enhancing their problem-solving abilities for practical engineering applications in fluid mechanics.


Applied Fluid Mechanics (MEU3640, Spring)

This course explores advanced concepts in fluid mechanics, focusing on the behavior and analysis of complex fluid flows. Students will study key topics such as the conservation equations, internal and external flow dynamics, open channel flow, compressible flow, and basics of turbomachinery. By understanding these principles, students will develop the ability to model and analyze fluid systems for practical engineering applications. 

Viscous Fluid Dynamics (MEU6230, Fall)

This graduate course offers a comprehensive study of fluid behavior under the influence of viscosity. Key topics include the continuum concept, vector calculus, fluid motion kinematics, and the foundational Navier-Stokes equation. Students will explore boundary layers, low-Reynolds number flows, and exact solutions to fluid flow problems. Through this course, students will develop the analytical skills necessary to model and solve complex issues in fluid dynamics, preparing them for advanced applications and research in engineering.